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Switch Lever for Qualcast mowers

  • Product Code: 35811

Our Price: £7.45

Select the Make & Model of your machine from the dropdown boxes below, to check whether this product is suitable for your machine.

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Switch Lever

Product code: 35811QCT

This switch lever is suitable for use in the following machines.

Find your machine in the list below to ensure that this is a suitable part for your machine.

Model / Distributor
Machine Products
Classic Electric 12
Classic Electric 30
Classic Electric 30S
Concorde 32
Concorde E30DL
Concorde E35DL
Consort 14
Easi Trak 32
Easi Trak 320
Easi-Lite 28
Easi-Lite 30
Elan 32
Hoverlite 30
Hoversafe 25
Hoversafe 30
Lawnraker 32
Power Trak 34
Power Trak 400
Punch Classic 30
Punch Classic 30S
Punch Classic 35
Punch Classic 35S
Quadtrak 30
System 250
System 300
System 350
Turbo 30
Turbo 35
Turbotrak 35
Windsor 12S
Windsor 14S
Windsor 41S

The list contains the brand / distributor and models of the machines, (in alphabetical order) that we are aware of, that this product is likely to be suitable for. If your machine is not in the list, it could be that this part is suitable, but that we have no records of suitability. Please search our other products to see if we stock a suitable part, or let us know that you think this is suitable.

This compares to parts with the following references:

Qualcast: F016L65676, F016T49902, T49902
Reference: 9074

Manufacturers & distributors names and numbers are used for reference purposes only.
This product is not associated with the initial manufacturers parts.

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